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Thursday, 7 January 2021

Tears of My Motherland - Book Review


Tears of My Motherland is an emotional read. It strikes a chord with every reader and takes them into a hitherto unknown journey. That is what makes the book unique.

 After the untimely demise of Subhash Chandra Bose, Indians living in South East Asia were in a fix. Their hero, the one who fought for the freedom of their motherland was gone. They were in a fix. They didn’t know what to do. But who can escape the daily struggles of life? When you are a migrant you are in constant search of better life. In fact, that is the very reason why you migrate from your motherland and step into unknown territories. It is against this backdrop that Tears of My Motherland  is set.  This topic has never made its way into the mainstream books and media. The author needs to be congratulated for the same.

 The author has won half of the battle by choosing such a unique concept. With characters that are easy to relate he wins the second half too. You feel for the characters, and that is the success of the author. The author keeps us glued up to the end and makes us introspect. The language is simple, yet riveting. The flow, the characterization is up to the mark.

 I loved this book. I feel every Indian, every migrant and person interested in understanding the psyche of migrant diaspora should read this book. Highly recommended!