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Saturday, 12 January 2019

Life on the Edge - book review

Life on the Edge is a mix mash of romance and the compromises that ordinary mortals have to make in mundane lives. It captures the travails of a middle class (failed)marriage very well. It tells how every day life becomes hell when you marry the wrong person, just because he is from your caste, community and your parents have approved it.

What I liked about the book is that it is extremely well written. The writing is simple, clear and error free. The plot resembles that of a movie in the eighties. So children's fees remain unpaid because of poverty, there are no good clothes to wear and scooters are bought on EMI. However as we reach the melodramatic climax this eastman colour story from the eighties takes a leap and enters the uncensored Netflix era. The ending is too bold when compared with the set up that the author creates. But at the same time the behaviour of the protagonist appears justified in the given circumstances of the case

The book is very different from the kind of books that are sold in the market today. It isn't a college romance, it isn't a clone of Da Vinci Code and not a book sold solely on marketing. It is something different. It is a one time read for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Extremely grateful for reading and reviewing my book Life On The Edge.
    Thanks again.
