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Saturday, 9 August 2014

Back in time

What if I would be five years old again? My first thoughts were I don’t want to lose all my independence by becoming five years old again. I don’t want to cry for a toffee which costs not more than a rupee. I don’t want to go to bed, when I am not feeling sleepy. I don’t want instructions from adults telling me what to do and what not to do. I don’t want others to take all important decisions of my life. I don’t want to become five years old again. 

But on second thoughts I feel that being five years old again, would give me an opportunity to unlearn many things which I learnt as a part of growing up. I would again reprogram myself. I would tell myself that what others say is not that important, but what I feel is the most important. Yes, I would certainly dance to the tunes of latest bollywood numbers and recite poems taught to me, when my parents demand my performance in front of guests and relatives who come to our home. But I will do so for the joy of dancing and singing. I will not let my idea of success link with what others say. I will study sincerely but will not take my studies too seriously. There are many other things than studies which are important in life. 

I will watch the beautiful colours of butterflies and paint them in my drawing books. I will urge the fairy who meets me in stories to keep in touch with me even when I grow up and let me feel the magic in daily life. Being five years old again, I will notice any stray getting wet in the rains and finding shelter beneath the car. It appears beautiful to me. I will pester my parents to carry it home.  I pray that I carry this empathy, this intensity forever with me, no matter how much I grow up. I wish to learn early in my life that my differentness is my asset and not a weakness. I wish when I become five years old again, I get transported again to that era when I was indeed five years old. So there will be no obsession for selfies and facebook likes. I will be able to drop unannounced in any household and ask them to give me to eat whatever I can lay my eyes upon. I will see again the joy on my mother’s face and tears in her eyes when she opens the inland letter which she has received from her mother, my grandmother.  Most importantly why I want the entire world to go back along with me is that I want to spend some more time with my father, who has been snatched away from me by time. I wish going back again will give me an opportunity to sit again on his lap and kiss his stubbled cheek, just to tell him how much I love him. 

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


  1. so true, I'd like to re-program my life too if I got a chance to be young once again.

  2. Well written...i wud probably do the same:):)
