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Friday, 22 March 2019

Theme Reveal #A2Z2019 - My Spiritual Journey

'Who am I?' This existential question has cropped up in many minds. We all are eager to learn more about the other side of life. The unknown always intrigues us.

'If you search diligently, you will even find God.' A Master had told me, and this is the theme of my A2Z challenge. My Spiritual Journey.

Beginning from 1st of April 2019, except Sundays, I will be writing every day about my spiritual journey. 
We all are spiritual beings in material bodies. But do the Masters always tell us the truth? Or is there anything sinister? To know more keep visiting my blog, and please note that it is a serialized story, so don't miss even a single post.


  1. Great theme and looking forward to read your posts on spiritual journy. all the best for challenge. #BlogchatterA2Z #Surbhireads

    1. Thanks Surbhi, it is an interesting story. I am sure you will like it.
