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Thursday, 23 April 2015

Tea vendor who brews novels

What would you require to write twenty novels? Many many things. First you require a place of solitude where no none will ever disturb you. You and your muse can spend countless hours in each other's arms and let your feelings articulate into words.

Then if you are to write twenty novels your daily needs must be taken care of. So either your parents must have left you a fortune or your spouse must be both earning and understanding. (A combination which I doubt exists!)

Even if you have the aforesaid privileges you must have a never dying commitment. Writing twenty novels is not an easy feat for sure. It requires years of discipline. Plus there is risk of repetition. While writing twenty novels there is every likelihood that your writing becomes clitched.

Did I tell you that you are supposed to literally write these novels and not type them using your computer key board? Also these novels are to be written in a language which is not your mother tongue.

Did I hear you saying that is impossible? It has been made possible not by any university scholar but by a humble chaiwallah. (Indeed good days have come for our tea vendors) His name is Laxman Rao. He sells tea on the on the roads of the capital Delhi. He has written twenty novels in Hindi. What is more interesting is that his mother tongue in Marathi and not Hindi. He migrated from Maharashtra to Delhi and eventually settled down in Delhi. He published his first novel Nayi Duniya Ki Nayi Kahani in the 1970's. When several leading publishers either rejected his manuscripts or asked for money to publish it, he decided to go on the self publishing route. 

Don't look down upon him merely because he has self published his books. First edition of his two books is already over and he has brought out the second edition. Due to paucity of funds he publishes his books in small lots of 1000 or 2000. But any published author knows how difficult it is to even sell a thousand copies of a book. This so called rustic man has already sold those many copies and has brought out the second edition of his books. His novel Ramdas has been turned into a drama script and was staged at Shriram Centre in New Delhi.

No writing luxuries and no writer's block for this great achiever. His humble background did not come as a hurdle on the way which lead to realizing his dreams. He is indeed a role model for all those who dream of writing a book but are never able to go beyond a few lines.
“I’m voting for Laxman Rao’s #WillOfSteel and blogging on BlogAdda to help him get felicitated and eventually enabled by JSW." 

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