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Monday, 21 July 2014

Five things that Zest up my life

1. Magical Mornings
There is something magical about the early mornings. I sit in my garden sipping hot tea. The green trees are beaming with happiness. Birds perched on their branches are singing gay songs. No one is in any hurry. The entire existence is slowly waking up from the slumber. The cool breeze rejuvenates me. There is something meditative, something magical about these mornings.
2. Good Food
Our culture regards food as Anna he purna brahma. It means food is the ultimate God. Food makes our body, mind and soul. I love food. I eat food first by my eyes, then by my nose and finally by my mouth. The very sight of colourful food items on the platter makes me happy.
3. Reading
A man who reads lives many lives and one who doesn’t, lives only one life. Reading, especially biographies infuses an instant dose of enthusiasm in me. It gives me the boost to give my best, stretch myself to my limits and conquer hurdles which may come in my way. I feel that these people (both ordinary and great) are guiding me through their lives. That gives me the feelings - I am not alone, if they can do it I can do it too.
4. Travel
Be it physical journey to some destination or the journey of life, one thing is certain – uncertainty. You never know what will come up next. There may be a beautiful scenic valley or a dangerous ridge. The beauty lies in unknowing. If I land up in beautiful meadows I soak its beauty in your entire system. If I cross a dangerous ridge I am infused with a sense of achievement. So either way travel brings all the zest in my life.
5. Family and friends
They come at the bottom because they are the rock solid base of the zest pyramid. The truth of life is that you never feel joy unless you have shared it with someone. Good food becomes better when my dear ones are with me on the dining table.  When I read good books I am brimming with joy, which I cannot feel to the maximum unless I share it with a friend. My friend also reads the same book and calls me after few days to say he loved it too. The same beautiful places appear barren to me if I am not holding the hand of my dear one while watching it. My friends turn every boring flight and train journey into a collage of happy memories which I treasure. When feeling down, just remembering them brings back the zest of my life.
This post is a part of the #ZestUpYourLife activity in association with TATA Zest and

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