These Circuses That Sweep Through the Landscape is a collection of
stories by Teajswini Apte-Rahim. The author must be given full
marks for the variety of topics around which she weaves her stories.
Human conflict, both external as well as internal, is a predominant
theme all the stories in this collection.
Homo Coleoptera is a story about an aging man and his wife who
refuses to age. This makes the man insecure. The story ends with his
tragic death.
Thank God for Star Trek tells the story of a troubled mother and her
young daughter, from the daughter's perspective. The story shows how
TV diffuses tensions at least for some time.
The Mall works very well as an experimental story. It depicts the
depression, insecurities and feeling of being lost among a urban-goer
very well.
The protagonist of the story Cotton is the cotton itself. In the
story Drinks at Seven the issue of how suspicion as to infidelity
crops up in a marriage is dealt with. Sandalwood is the story of a
woman who after almost two decades of marriage is thrown out of the
house because her husband wants to live with another man. Her
existence is only for cooking the food which her children like.
These Circuses that Sweep Through the Landscape shows insecurities,
rivarly and idiosyncrasies of aging men.
Having praised the author for dealing with a variety of topics and
bringing the conflict very well, I must warn the readers that these
stories are too prosiac and are difficult to comprehend. I was unable
to understand the end of most of the stories. I feel the stories or
for that matter any literary work must be perspicuous that the
readers are able to understand it. The author utterly fails to make
the meaning clear. Also a veil of gloom covers all the stories. You
feel disturbed after reading these stories. This may be termed as
success of the author, but it wont appeal to most of the readers.
'I received a copy from Writersmelon in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.'
'I received a copy from Writersmelon in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.'
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