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Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Why the Vada seller refused a sale - Book Review

Why the Vada seller refused a sale has an attractive cover with a catchy tag-line and other simple stories for achieving the best in life, work and relationships. Every chapter of the book opens with quotations. Unfortunately these are the only positive points about the book.

Though the book claims to be a collection of stories, there are no stories here. The title and the tag-line is totally misleading. Each chapter of the book is nothing but a small write up running,  on an average, into a page and half. The chapters include self admitted forwarded e-mails and sms. Yes, the entire e-mail and sms form a separate chapter each. The author quotes incidents from his life in some chapters. The problem is the incident is of ten lines and the author occupies rest of the place to deliver the sermon on moral values. The incidents narrated are banal. The commentary of the author accompanying the incidents is preachy. If the incidents were narrated in an interesting manner and the conclusions were left open to the readers, the book could have been effective. The incidents are wrapped up as soon as possible because the author is in a hurry to give us a piece of advice. The author is so determined to give us moral lessons that he seems to have forgotten to make the book interesting. The result is half -hearted attempt to write a book. Moral lessons must be imparted but in the form of a capsule with a sweet cover or no one will be willing to swallow it. Plus there is brand endorsement of various professionals with fancy adjectives to describe their expertise.  This mars the narrative for in a chapter comprising page and a half, considerable ink is spent to praise the professionals. 

Self-help books work for two reasons. One they promise magical results. Two they establish strong emotional connect with the readers. Unfortunately, the Vada Seller lacks both of them.

The author describes a clerk in government service as a not well to do person. He seems to be unaware of the salary drawn by a government clerk post sixth pay commission and when seventh pay commission is on its way. Even the opening quotes of the chapters are contradictory. Take for example, “A long dispute means that both the parties are wrong” and “Men are not against you, they're merely for themselves.” 

The tone of the book is I know everything from fitness to mind-power, from human relations to financial management. That surely turns off the reader. This is a book which you will not repent missing. My best wishes for the author's next venture. 

1 comment:

  1. As you said, I loved the title too...
    After reading your review, I think i shall give it a miss
