Bobby Sachdeva’s Stories of Us is a collection
of stories that are overtly ordinary, but are embedded with deep, underlying
thoughts. The stories are weaved around our day to day settings. The characters
are easy to relate. At many junctures, you feel this is exactly the way I had
thought when I came across such a situation. This is the success of the author.
The protagonists of the stories are from various walks of life. That helps us understand
different perspectives and enriches us.
Bobby choses to refrain from jargons and uses a simple but lucid language in his stories. This makes reading easy for children and for those who shy away from books for lack of vocabulary. There is a cinematic touch in his narration. You can see things, hear sounds and of course feel the emotions.
All the stories are thought provoking. They will make
you think, question and ponder, a rare streak in recent writings.
This book is highly entertaining as well as thought
provoking. A must read for all age groups.